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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Richard Mourdock's God Works In Mysterious Ways

So, is rape part of God's plan? All rapes, or just some rapes? Is it justified to fight back against rape, particularly if it's part of God's plan? What are the criteria?

What is God's plan, and how is one to know if one is advancing it? Are we Heaven's soldiers, or are we the minions of Satan?

These are the conundrums of life!

I think it's God's plan that I kick Richard Mourdock in the nuts:
GOP Senate nominee Richard Mourdock told reporters at a press conference Wednesday in Indianapolis that people misunderstood him during Tuesday night’s debate when he said, “Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”

During the press conference, Mourdock, who is pro-life and opposes rape exceptions to abortion bans, repeatedly accused his political opponents of “twisting” his words while also expressing regret if the words were interpreted in a way that was offensive.

“I spoke from my heart. For speaking from my heart, for speaking from the deepest level of my faith, I cannot apologize,” he said. “I would be less than faithful to my faith if I said anything other than life is precious, I believe it is a gift from God. I believe that God would never want anyone harmed, sexually abused, raped. I believe it’s wrong when people want to take what I said and twist it. And if in any way people came away with the wrong meaning, then for that I do apologize.”

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