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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hurricane Sandy May Exercise Shock And Awe On Florida

Even though the National Hurricane Center forecast for southern Florida keeps the eye offshore, and thus downplays some of the impacts, the latest NOGAPS forecast shows a sharply more pessimistic view for Florida interests from Hurricane Sandy. The NOGAPS forecast shows the eye jogging west as it crosses Cuba, with the net result of a nearly-direct hit on Ft. Lauderdale, and huge amounts of rain for Florida on Friday and Saturday – perhaps some heavy rain for Tampa too.

In addition, the storm seems to be moving rapidly, so there isn’t much time to prepare. The Miami press isn’t gearing up as fast as it should, given the potential danger.

There is no danger of a direct hit on Tampa, but Tampa may get sideswiped by some of these rains. Fortunately the storm is moving rapidly, so even if heavy rains fall, they’ll be comparatively brief.

Keep a close eye on Sandy as it crosses Cuba. If this jog west actually occurs, it’ll be in the next 12 hours.

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