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Sunday, April 01, 2012

E. Recalls Scary Cross-Country Auto Trips

E.: MMMMAAAAAARRRRRCCCCC! We should drive to Massachusetts!

M.: Massachusetts? That's a long way!

E.: That's true, but we can stop in Alabama. And New Mexico, of course. Did I ever tell you about when George and I used to drive to Massachusetts? It was scary!

M.: Scary?

E.: There was the time we were passing through Las Vegas, around sunset. The cars, they drive so fast there, and there was a horizon!

M.: There was a horizon? (???)

E.: That's right! And there was the time we stopped at a gas station in Lovelock, Nevada. Have you ever been there? It's so small! It's in the boondock. I went to the bathroom, and when I came out, George was gone. I looked everywhere for him. I talked to the gas station attendants, and I said "Have you seen my husband? Where did he go?" They pointed out into the desert and they said "He went that-a-way." MMMMMAAAARRRRRCCCC! They were so mean and stupid!

M.: Where was George? Did the Alien get him?

E.: No, he was right there in the gas station all along, but for some reason I didn't see him.

M.: You didn't see him?

E.: No. And then there was the time we were in Nebraska. We had gone to Triple-A, where we got the maps, and they gave us directions saying there was a hotel at a certain highway exit, so we took the exit, but we drove and drove and didn't see nothing. Just corn. Corn everywhere! But no hotel. MMMMMAAAARRRRRCCCC! It was scary! And it was getting dark! Just when we were about to give up, we came across a motel in the corn. Whew! But it wasn't a hotel.

M.: Scary! It makes me think I don't want to go to Massachusetts!

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