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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

North Korean Progress

News that hasn't been heralded much, with all the saber-rattling going on over Iran:
North Korea has agreed to suspend uranium enrichment and nuclear and long-range missile tests in a breakthrough in negotiations with the United States, which is set to provide food aid in return.

...Coming just over two months after the death of longtime ruler Kim Jong Il, it signals a willingness by the secretive government under his untested youngest son, Kim Jong Un, to improve ties with the U.S. and win aid. It still falls far short of an agreement to abandon the nuclear weapons program Pyongyang likely views as key to the regime's survival.

...In a major concession, North Korea said it had agreed to allow the U.N.`s International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to verify and monitor a moratorium on uranium enrichment activities at its main Yongbyon nuclear complex, a program that the North unveiled to visiting U.S. academics in 2010.

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