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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be Prepared

Anything could happen, of course. Yellowstone could erupt. Locusts could return. Grizzlies and wolves could run riot. You just never know. But if it all goes to hell, I think the best option is to move to Colorado:
CODY, Wyoming (Reuters) – In a sign of rising consumer confidence prevailing over go-it-alone pessimism in the Cowboy State, Wyoming lawmakers on Tuesday narrowly defeated a “doomsday bill” to help the state prepare for a total collapse of the U.S. government and economy.

The bill, rejected on a 30-27 vote by the state House of Representatives, would have allocated $16,000 for a panel of legislators and emergency managers to study various measures, including a new state-issued currency, for handling a range of apocalyptic scenarios.

...Despite the grim national economic outlook expressed by backers of the doomsday bill, some who opposed it cited the economic reality that Wyoming is faring better than most other states.

“We’re in relatively good shape financially, with $14 billion in savings and assets,” said Representative Sam Krone, a Republican from Cody.

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