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Monday, December 26, 2011

We'll Have The Fourth-Driest December On Record In Sacramento

So dry!:
If the area remains dry through the month, Sacramento will finish with an arid 0.07 inches of rain for December.

The top five driest Decembers since 1849: 1876 – 0.00 inch; 1989 – 0.00; 1999 – 0.03; 2011 – 0.07, so far; 1956 – 0.22.

All is not lost. The National Weather Service notes that although December 1999 is the third driest on record, that rainfall year finished with 23.74 inches, about 4 inches above average.
There is a chance for a small amount of rain on Wednesday. Nevertheless, the next big opportunity for rain, according to the FNMOC NOGAPS forecast, looks like the wee hours of Monday morning, January 2, 2012.

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