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Friday, December 16, 2011

Poor Scott Walker!

The Governor of Wisconsin is SO oppressed! His human rights are so much at stake he might just faint!

Funny, California has similar sorts of laws, but no one in the GOP in 2003 complained on behalf of poor Gov. Gray Davis.

Call the Wahmbulance!:
And here is the argument that the Walker campaign’s rights are being violated by having to do the work of challenging signatures:

21. A government agency may not place unequal burdens on respective electors. Under the GAB’s position, an elector signing multiple petitions with the intent that the signatures be counted more than once faces no deterrent or penalty. In order to be counted equally with that person, Scott K. Walker must undertake the burden (without the assistance of the GAB) of identifying and challenging multiple submissions of signatures by the elector.

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