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Friday, December 16, 2011

The Hordos Of Evil

M.: Reading this proposed agreement, I see a big problem. The school district is willing to keep you on in an employed status until March 1st, so that you then have five years service as a permanent employee, and therefore able to become fully-vested with CALPERS and eligible to receive a pension. That is a very generous offer. But according to these reports you've been receiving from CALPERS, you'll have only a little more than four years service: apparently your summers-off don't count! So, unless the school district can persuade CALPERS to give you five years, the agreement won't count. I wonder if they even bothered to talk to CALPERS?

E.: MMMMMMMAAAAAARRRRCCCCCCCCC! They've been causing me nothing but a big headache! They are discriminating me because I'm old!

M.: Maybe the school district can take into account your years of part-time work. I don't know. I suggest not signing the agreement, at least for now. The agreement says they won't interfere with unemployment claims, but what that means is unclear.

E.: They are pressuring me a lot over there. They said they can get me back on health insurance in the meantime, but only if I sign the agreement. But maybe I should sign. That's four months pay!

M.: And no work!

E.: And they keep saying I can claim disability. SIS? But I'm not disabled! I love my job! And the money I spent getting my certificates! All this trouble started when they stole my money over there. None of this is my fault. What I want is to put all of this behind my mind.

M.: Good luck!

E.: (Illustrating horns, using fingers on the forehead) They are like the Hordos Of Evil over there!

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