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Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Donald Is Leaving The GOP?

I know it's the Christmas season, but I didn't expect presents! Like this analysis at Daily Kos says:
Which pretty much guarantees that The Donald is in the race!

This is gonna be .... faaaaabulous.

Imagine a 3 way race between Obama, Romney, and Trump: 2 Republican zillionaires splitting the zillionaire vote. Then when Obama is re-elected, the GOP blames Trump, thus avoiding the deep self-refection that is necessary for the party to actually get its act together.

And without such deep self-reflection, the Teahadists decide that there's nothing really wrong with their party or their message, so they don't change anything in 2016. And get creamed again.

I never thought I'd say this but ... Donald Trump, you are doing great things for the Democratic Party! Keep up the good work!

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