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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trump In 2012

Ezra Klein's blogpost, reproduced below, in full:

What just happened?

There’s only one explanation that makes sense to me in light of this morning’s events: The Obama administration wants Donald Trump to be the GOP’s nominee in 2012, and this is their effort to strengthen him in the primary. Of course, that explanation violates my axiom that almost nothing in Washington is really a complicated plan and almost everything is a rushed decision made by tired people with insufficient information.

Which leaves me with a much more depressing explanation for the morning’s events: Maybe our politics really have become this stupid.
The GOP has long-favored budget plans that cater to the rich. There hasn't been much real thought given to this policy: it's automatic and axiomatic. That's what you get when ideology rules the roost: very little real, original thought. No looking at the battlefield with fresh eyes. And so, the GOP will reap what it has sowed. They are almost completely-naked to an attack from the rich: the uber-rich, the super-rich, the filthy-rich. And maybe they deserve what they get.

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