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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Want To Keep The Birthers Around A Little Bit Longer

Daily Kos lists the reasons why Obama's release of his long-form birth certificate is a good idea:
Sure, it might seem like "giving in" to the enemy -- responding to right-wing hysteria and releasing the long-form birth certificate. But here's why the move is a canny one:

1. It keeps the issue in the news. Even more so, it gives it that much more visibility. And let's face it, this is a huge loser for the GOP. What better way to show how out-of-touch and irrational Republicans are, than to rub this in their face.

2. The media has already treated the birthers harshly, equating them with the truthers (and deservedly so). But while the truthers never got buy in from any progressive of note, the birthers have been fully embraced by top conservative leaders. Heck, Donald Trump has based his presidential flirtations entirely on birtherism. So if the media was harsh to the birthers before today, how do you think they'll react when the headlines are: Trump Adviser: Even If Long-Form Birth Certificate Is Genuine, It Doesn’t Prove Anything.

3. The narrative now is how Republicans deal with this outburst of crazy. It's the kind of GOP vs GOP story we rarely get. Enjoy it.

4. The entire birther movement used to revolve around the single question: "Why won't Obama release his long-form birth certificate". While their claims were idiotic, that demand had a smidgeon of reasonableness to it. Now that Obama has verified the obvious, the birthers have lost all semblance of rationality. At this point, those who cling to their Kenyan theories are beyond redemption. (As we all knew they were.)
Nevertheless, I hope Obama's dastardly release of a usually-tedious public document won't ruin their movement.

When you have a fish in a barrel, you shouldn't move the fish into another barrel, or into an aquarium, or - heavens no! - into a river. Keep the fish right where it is! The birthers make the GOP look even more irrational than they already are. They are the GOP's perfect shock troops. Donald Trump is already adding his baroque flourishes, by inquiring into Obama's grades in college. That is the right spirit!

Ask question after question: Does Obama pay his bills on time? Has Obama ever been in a shopping mall? Can Obama drive a car? Has Obama ever mowed a lawn? These are the important questions! Not tedious, wonky stuff like: why is Leon Panetta taking over at the Pentagon?

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