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Monday, March 14, 2011

That Sense Of Impending Doom

Andrew was having an uncomfortable evening in Diamond Harbour, just outside Christchurch, NZ (his Saturday evening; my Friday evening):
Have you seen this interesting plot which also shows the moon phase and seems to show no correlation between the moon phase and the earthquake characteristics or energy release:

I am sitting here as the house rocks several times again so Googling earthquake information as usual! I wish I was not here right now as these aftershocks fry my nerves!
I replied:
Good luck with the aftershocks! It must be uncomfortable.

No, I hadn't seen this graph. You're right, it's quite interesting.

Tonight, while preparing for tonight's theater show, my sister called, with the suggestion that if there is a catastrophic failure of the Japanese nuclear power plant, I should leave CA immediately for home (NM), since CA is downwind of Japan. Of course, NM is downwind of Japan too, so I'm not sure how that helps, except that the family is all in one place to get irradiated.

And, of course, CA got a bit of the tsunami too today (3 injured; one missing and presumed killed).

I think people are freaking out a bit: a sense of impending doom. Not hard to understand where that sense comes from!

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