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Monday, March 14, 2011

It's An Instinct

Jetta said:
I heard it on the news. Can you look it up on the Internet? I can't believe it!
So I looked it up on the Internet:
James Little, 61, called 911 on Tuesday to say his dog had eaten the body parts while he was sleeping. He told The Associated Press on Friday that he is "doing fine."

Little suffers from diabetes, of which one symptom is numbness in the hands or feet.

The dog, a Shiba Inu, was acting on its instinct to remove diseased flesh and does not appear to be dangerous, said Douglas County Animal Control Deputy Lee Bartholomew.

Dogs have been known to eat dead or diseased human flesh. A family's dog in Illinois ate the toes off a 10-year-old girl's left foot while she slept last December. She had a sore on her foot.

In August, a dog in Michigan bit off most of its owner's infected big toe after the man passed out from alcohol. The man had diabetes, and the animal was apparently attracted to a festering wound.
Jetta said "isn't that crazy? That's crazy!"

I said: "It's what dogs do. It's an instinct. Fughedaboutit...."

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