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Monday, November 15, 2010

Invisible Assault

This was a quiet weekend, focused mostly on helping out at DMTC's Box Office for opening weekend of "Annie" (while Steve was still at home recuperating from his latest tangle with the medical system).

Nevertheless, other things bubbled on under the radar. Attended Dian Hoel's dance classes at Sierra 2 on Saturday. Confabbed with Joe the Plumber about fixing the porch, but decided to postpone that work for a few days. Got out the ladders and started cleaning gutters. I got the south and west sides of the house done. Raked leaves.

The alley behind the house always features homeless people of various sorts and temperaments passing by at all hours. I handed out $2.00 to one rheumy-eyed fellow who looked like he just woke up. Sunday night, I could hear another fellow with a shopping cart shouting menacing obscenities behind my house. I waited until he passed, then rolled out my leaves that I had collected in the toter, and set them in the alley. In the distance, I saw the same menacing fellow taking notice of my activities. It made me uncomfortable.

I wish I knew more about California birds, but there is a kind of small bird (kinglets?) that have an eerie, ringing call that come around sometimes. While I was perched at the top of a ladder Sunday afternoon, they came around, and while remaining invisible in the tree's canopy above, they began pelting me with their little wild bird poos as they sang their eerie song. It seemed strange to be under invisible assault in the middle of the day, and serenaded too, but it's part of the charm of living in the Curtis Park neighborhood.

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