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Monday, November 15, 2010

Deborah Takes Her Work On The Road

Deborah McMillion-Nering (an artist distinguished, among other things, by use of avant technologies) startled me with her use of newish, faddish technology (in this case, Facebook) last night to get in touch with me:
How ARE you! Long time no hear. Thought this'd help in a small way.
I replied:
(oh no! I have been observed! - chitinous skittering sounds -)

Hi Deborah! I just awoke after a coughing fit triggered by a Facebook nightmare.

(I dreamt the Facebook corporate behemoth offered a microorbit named 'Joe's Tarantula', available for commercial messages for a nominal fee, to circle a 'Friend' named Joe, in perpetuity. So I desperately reach for Facebook in the wee hours, only to find your greeting. There is a message here somewhere, but I can't divine it.)

I am fine. How are you?
Deborah replies:
All good. James taught class for 6 weeks. Doug is replacing all our windows w/double panes, one every weekend. ...and I have to go to VEGAS!!!! ahhhhhhhhh
Vegas? Vegas! VEGAS, BABY!:

This collection, featuring 10 artists from around the world, representing completely different backgrounds, demonstrates just what is possible.

Attendees of Autodesk University can visit the Mobile Art Gallery live at Mandalay Bay, South Conference Center, Level 2, in the Manufacturing Lounge, November 30 - December 2, 2010. For more details or registration information.

The AU Mobile Art Gallery is curated by Susan Murtaugh and includes the art of:

Matthew Seydel Connors
Deborah McMillion-Nering
Shaun Mullen
Susan Murtaugh
Salvador Navarro
David Newman
Gabriel Palacios
Benjamin Rabe
Francesco Salvati
Starr Allen Shaw

For more information about the contributing artists, you can download an e-mag from magcloud.

A virtural experience will also be available online, so you don't have to be there to experience the art, the artists, and the event. A dedicated Virtual Art Expo Lounge will host freshly updated video content direct from Las Vegas. More details to be posted prior to the event.

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