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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Strange Dream About The Passage Of Time

I spent yesterday evening doing some light housekeeping, which included putting away several watches. I had also glanced at a magazine article that suggested the wrist watch is becoming obsolescent (here is an example of such an article).

Once I fell asleep, I dreamt that I donated a broken watch wristband to Goodwill Industries. Then, I went to Goodwill's 'kitchen' and ordered Chinese takeout food, including an eggroll.

The taste was all wrong when I bit into the eggroll. The filling was boiled watch wristband! I spat the wristband onto the floor. A large wasp swooped down, picked it up, and flew away with it.

Then I looked out my bedroom window and saw time speed up. Trees and hedges grew to full height in several seconds, and disappeared. Buildings came and went. My house was H. G. Well's 'Time Machine'! Then the California Delta rose enough due to global-warming-caused sea level rise to sweep into Sacramento and wash the house away completely.

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