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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cult Worries Spook Jemez Pueblo Leaders

There are few groups in the world as conservative as the Pueblo Indians when it comes to alien religious practices, so no trick-or-treat, at least for now:
Jemez Pueblo has banned trick-or-treating this Halloween over fears that a grisly killing there last month was caused by cult activity.

Jemez Pueblo Gov. Joshua Madalena said Tuesday that the ban was ordered "because of the violence that happened."

"That really made me and my Tribal Council and my religious leaders step back and take a look at where are we now," he said. "The religious leaders had told me that this (Halloween) is not a part of our culture. Many of them are older men and stated that, 'When I was young, we didn't have this. When did it start? And look at now, you know. We've lost control.' "

...Asked if cult activity was involved in the homicide, Madalena said, "We don't know, and that's something that we're still investigating. Because the way the whole event happened, I'm suspicious. This type of activity is very prominent right now. ... It's not just Jemez, but other tribes ... other communities are dealing with these types of issues. We just want to make sure that our community is safe."

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