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Friday, July 24, 2009

More Mobile Home Fun

Last night, we watched Will Smith's "Seven Pounds" on DVD. A much better movie than I expected at first. An interesting ending! And Rosario Dawson is the best!

Endless television: Judge Alex, Judge Karen, Judge Joe Brown, and, of course, Judge Judy. These shows are ever-popular!

My current, completely-inert lifestyle is driving me bonkers. The lack of exercise, in particular, is killing me. So, I've started jogging in the morning, when my Dad is taking Nap #1. I jog right next to a truck terminal just as the morning deliveries are going out, so the air is choked with soot, but at least it's a change from complete inactivity.

Simple activities, like cleaning the toilet, or washing the windows, are welcome departures from the daily tedium, and thus highly-welcome.

Some characters featured on Albuquerque TV commercials are STILL here, 30 years after I left town. Ambulance-chasing lawyer Ron Bell still has his schtick (although he seems focused on the lucrative Social Security benefits appeals process these days). As do a slew of other lawyers.

In this recession, everyone is confused about how to focus their educations to remain economically-viable. As OMB Chair Orszag recently explained on Charlie Rose, unemployment is considerably higher than they expected - roughly 2% higher than they consider reasonable. That is probably because the economy as a whole is over-staffed. Excepting the loss of consumers, the economy could probably function fine with just 1 out of 4 people currently employed retaining their jobs. Improvements in computer technology are just aggravating this trend.

Society's confusion bleeds onto TV. Vocational education advertising seems obsessed with health care, one of the few sectors that seems to be growing. Oh, the opportunities in health insurance pharmaceutical coding! Remember, the Baby Boom generation will start retiring in two years, and we'll soon be just like Japan is now! In ten years, half of America will be inserting suppositories into the other half. We'll still have a budget deficit, though, because we still won't be exporting anything. Even our suppositories will come from India. And it's hard to export services: I'm sure Europeans won't need our help in that department.

My Dad's shower is set up for himself, so I shower, when I can, at my sister's place. I haven't been able to get over there very often, though, so instead of showering every day, I now shower every three days, or so.

Interestingly, this chronic fungal-type infection I have, which I affectionately call crotch rot, has improved the less I shower. Maybe it's not really a fungal infection at all, but some kind of skin allergy. Whatever. This cleanliness thing appears to be over-emphasized in American society.

I think I will stop showering entirely. Because that is the healthy alternative!

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