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Friday, July 24, 2009

Cuff The Professor

Time to wade into this controversy between the Cambridge Mass. Police Department and Harvard Professor Henry Gates, Jr.

Gates has characterized this kerfuffle as racial profiling. Even President Obama accepted Gates' argument.

Nevertheless, it's important to remember that Gates isn't just a Harvard Professor (the highest paid professors in the country work at Harvard) but a Tenured, Celebrity Harvard Professor (seen regularly on PBS!) Thus, Gates isn't just a professor, but a 100% USDA Grade Professorial A-Hole. The fellow isn't accustomed to explaining himself to anyone, and certainly not in his own home, much less to a Cambridge cop.

This squabble isn't about race, but about class.....

Now, given the turf, the Cambridge cops are a pretty tony lot. Nevertheless, on the class scale, they are way, way below Harvard Celebrity Professors. Given the burglary call, the cop had good reason to grill Gates, even in his own home - maybe others were in the home unbeknownst to Gates.

The cop and the Professor seem to disagree whether Gates adequately demonstrated that he was in his own home. Whatever. The charge was Disorderly Conduct, and Gates apparently was disorderly. The charge has apparently been dropped. Too bad. Someone needs to puncture Gates' bubble.

Obama characterized the Cambridge Mass. police department as 'stupid'. I don't think so! Look in the mirror, Mr. President!

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