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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pay Cut

Well, it's official: I will be working a 32-hour week, not a 40-hour week, at least till December.

Which amounts to a pay cut.

Which is understandable, given that the work-load has been really light since last August, and shows no sign of picking up.

But which also gave me plenty of time to blog. While getting paid.

And if there is one thing I insist upon, it is getting paid while blogging about random minutiae, like finding a glamorous high-heeled shoe abandoned in the grass.

But if others disagree, particularly my employers, what leverage do I have to change their assessment?

I should light some incense this afternoon for the God Of Stimulus....

Here is an anti-stimulus prayer, delivered several months ago, when the stimulus bill was passing through Congress. Today I will whomp up an anti-anti-stimulus prayer in response (if I can just get my mind off that strange high-heeled shoe....)

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