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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Judge Sotomayor Nominated

And the political circus is coming to town!

It was nice to see the Whispering Campaign against her that emanated from TNR came to naught. But it does show how she has well-placed enemies:
In other words, Rosen did what the modern journalist of the Respectable Intellectual Center does by definition: he wrote down what Serious People told him to say, agreed to protect their identity, and then published their very purposeful chatter without doing any real work to verify, investigate or scrutinize it. As a result, a woman who spent the last four decades of her life using her talents and intellect and working extremely hard to reach amazing heights in the face of great obstacles is now widely viewed as an intellectually deficient, stunted, egotistical affirmative-action beneficiary who has no business being on the Supreme Court -- all thanks to the slimy work of Jeffrey Rosen, his cowardly friends of the Respectable Intellectual Center, and The New Republic.
If one must have enemies, these are the enemies to have! TNR long ago gave up its hard-won liberal respectability. These days, it speaks to chameleonic neo-cons and fearful former liberals. Their opposition is to be welcomed.

And the conservatives are getting all excited! But the pick plays to their worst racist instincts. Hispanics will band together to support her, and Republicans will inevitably end up attacking and enraging Hispanics, even though they need Hispanics for future campaigns.

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