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Thursday, April 30, 2009

That Doggone Hysterical Media

Somebody ought to do something!

Last night, I briefly turned on Talk Radio (KFBK 1530 AM - George Noury Coast-to-Coast AM) and listened to a portion of an interview with Dr. Mark Segal regarding the swine flu.

Dr. Segal compared this year's reaction to the swine flu problem with 1976's hysterical overreaction, and blamed showboating by the CDC and the media for the resulting problems in 1976, and by extension, in 2009.

George Noury was very censorious regarding the media's role in all this. He could not grasp how the media could be so irresponsible in its duties to the public (this just two days after he was warning of UN takeovers and camps for vaccine rebels).

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