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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Curious About The Crickets

I was wondering why there had been no response to my post regarding Bev's review of "Jesus Christ, Superstar", but then I was directed to Bev's blog, where the responses have been numerous.

One mystery of Bev's review was determining exactly what she didn't like about Nick's performance. It was as if she considered the problem to be self-evident (but the problem nevertheless escaped me).

Bev makes her distaste clearer in comments:
Nick, you were off key. Consistently throughout the show. The more emotional you became, the farther off key you went. It was painful to listen to.
Well, at least that's clear. As I've already mentioned, I didn't notice any such problem - only, possibly, an energy problem. If listening to Nick is painful, then call me a masochist.

Unfortunately, you can't please everyone in theater. And maybe it's better that way too. There are many ways to interpret shows and disapproval is always a hazard, especially when the character is way out there (and Judas IS way out there!) Myself, I'm looking forward to listening to Nick for the rest of the run....

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