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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Scott Eckern's Resignation

Wow, front-page headline in today's Bee! Jeebus, it's even in The New York Times!

Not a good development, since the pro-Prop. 8 forces now have a martyr. Anyone who looks at Middle East politics can see how well that whole martyr business works out.

Rebuke against Eckern should have remained contained, and focused on a monetary penalty. Keep it focused, keep it small! But maybe that was too much to expect with the close vote, and its polarized nature. The urban/suburban-and-rural split of the vote means that people are much more likely to know and be among like-minded people. Anti-Prop. 8 folks reacted badly to defeat - how could that happen when everyone they knew was against it? And pro-Prop. 8 folks are baffled the debate's intensity is only increasing after the election - why can't "they" take defeat gracefully?

The Bee article suggests Eckern's donation may have been associated with his Mormon faith. Mormons too make contributions to art, even in California.

What next? I look forward to stagings of suicide bombings, rendered as tasteful, well-choreographed, color-coordinated, multi-media performance art.

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