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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Anti-Proposition 8 Protest

Two a.m., and another quiet night in Sacramento.....

E.: MMMMMAAAARRRRCCCCC! Do you know that place where you get off the Capitol City Freeway, over there by P Street, where they have the Light-Rail station, and the parking lot with all those buses, over there where you get off the Capitol City Freeway - you know, the P Street exit - where the people wait for the Light-Rail, and that bus stop with the benches, where the people run across the street and wait next to all those buses, and the buses run all night long, and they wash them too, because you can see them dripping water, next to where you get off the Capitol City Freeway......

M.: Yes, I know that place.

E.: MMMMMAAAARRRRCCCCC they had lots of people there, carrying signs and planning a riot!

M.: A protest? Really, at two in the morning? That seems like a strange time. Maybe they are from out-of-town. What are they protesting about?

E.: They had a BIG American flag, and signs. One of the signs said "Equality For All".

M.: Really? It's probably a Proposition 8 protest. But two in the morning seems like a strange time for that.

E.: Maybe they plan to riot at the State Capitol!

(Apparently this silent rally is what E. noted...)

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