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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Senator Brownback Is Shocked!

The Chinese are spying on foreign tourists! The Senator is alarmed!:
Foreign-owned hotels in China face the prospect of "severe retaliation" if they refuse to install government software that can spy on Internet use by hotel guests coming to watch the summer Olympic games, a U.S. lawmaker said Tuesday.
Nevertheless, as Glenn Greenwald notes, exactly the same thing is going within the U.S., and companies like Qwest have paid the price:
The precise financial dynamic which Sen. Brownback is impotently protesting in China -- that corporations are highly incentivized to assent to and enable all government spying lest they lose extremely lucrative government contracts (and, conversely, that they're eager to cooperate with the Government in order to receive more contracts and become further integrated in government activities) -- is exactly the dynamic that drives America's surveillance state.

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