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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


E.: M-M-M-A-A-A-A-A-A-R-R-R-R-R-C-C-C-C-C! It was scary at the clinic today! One of the girls had a bloody nose, and she said: 'My eyes are burning!' Her eyes started filling with blood too! I told her: 'Stop looking at yourself in the mirror; don't pick at your nose; stop blowing your nose!' But the blood kept coming! Do you think she was possessed by the devil?

M.: Well, there is a tube that runs from the tear ducts of the eye into the nose. It's possible to make fluids run from the nose into the eye. There was that guy, on Jay Leno or David Letterman a few years back - I can't remember who or when - who would drink a glass of milk and force the milk to squirt several feet out from his eyes. Probably, when she was blowing her nose, she was doing the same sort of thing, and forcing blood into her eyes.


Thinking about it later, it made me wonder. Nosebleeds are common, but blood in the eyes is very rare. Why is that the case, when people often also blow their noses when they have nosebleeds and could very well blow blood into their eyes? Probably because, while nosebleeds are common, that extra missing element, diabolic possession, is very rare. Yeah, that's it!

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