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Friday, March 14, 2008

It's Spring, And All I Want To Do Is Exercise

The women in the various Step One aerobics classes are substantially better-looking than average. It isn't just that they get lots of exercise - it's that they are a self-selected set of unusually good-looking women: former cheerleaders, and the like.

One of them, in particular, I can't take my eyes off of. It's because she's at the front of the class, and no one can get her out of their range of vision, even if they try. Still.....

"Are you coming to Monster Jam?" she asked. Monster Jam is this bi-weekly Sunday-morning class aimed at the hard-core, die-hard exercise-aholics. "When is it?" I asked. "9:30 a.m.," she replied. "9:30 a.m.!" I shouted. "But the theater crowd won't turn in until late on Saturday evening! I won't get any sleep! ....... But, I'll do my best....."

Hurts so good; hurts so good....

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