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Friday, March 14, 2008

Brisket Of Beaks

Last night, I aimlessly wandered into the DMTC theater and watched a portion of the rehearsal for "Laughter On The 23rd Floor."

At one point Kevin Caravalho fumbled a line, and rendered a "brisket of beef" into a "brisket of beaks." I don't know about the humor in the rest of the comedy - I wasn't there long enough to come to a judgement - but "brisket of beaks" is pretty darn funny!

(Performances are March 28th, 29th, April 4th and 5th at 8:15pm and March 29th, 30th, April 5th and 6th at 2:15pm. Tickets are $10, and are available for online ordering at www.dmtc.org)

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