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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Putin Springs A Surprise

Very clever! Probably caught Bush completely flat-footed:
RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin today offered to set up a joint Russian-US anti-missile base to end a crisis between the two countries as Group of Eight leaders agreed a face-saving compromise on climate change.

Mr Putin wrong-footed Mr Bush with his offer to share control of the system from a radar base in Azerbaijan rather than in Europe.

The Russian President sprang his surprise offer at a one-to-one with Mr Bush, which both sides described as constructive and non-confrontational despite a dramatic war of words in the run-up to the G8 meeting in Germany.

Mr Putin had threatened to retarget Russian nuclear missiles at Europe if the US went ahead with plans to locate interceptor rockets in Poland and a radar base in the Czech Republic, while Mr Bush warned Mr Putin to stop “hyperventilating” over the issue.

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