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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Just The Most Entertaining Storm

The SE Australian spinning storm system is endlessly entertaining. I'm getting nothing done, just watching it spin, trying to decide which way it's going to go next.

Yesterday, the center of circulation cycled northwestward, back into central New South Wales (NSW). The storm has weakened considerably, but the center of circulation crossed back into Queensland, near Hungerford NSW, in the far west, earlier today. The storm has been pumping much moisture into central NSW, which can only help the drought situation in the Murray/Darling River basin, but it has also caused no end of chaos in Newcastle (with coal freighters running aground in the surf) and in Sydney, with heavy rains and winds.

All day long, the storm's been at a saddle of high pressure. The money is still on the center of circulation sweeping eastward, over Brisbane (with chances of thunderstorms), tonight or tomorrow, but there is a chance it could abruptly change direction and head south instead, towards Victoria (I hope for this outcome because it would be almost completely unexpected, and it would rattle the meteorologists).

The low pressure system over NSW, and the high pressure system SW of Tasmania, are like two cogs in a watch, or better yet, like matter and antimatter, self-destructing upon collision in a blinding flash of light.

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