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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Vandalism Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Zealous politician trips up:
A POLITICAL stunt to remove graffiti has come under police investigation after it was revealed that the graffiti was, in fact, a commissioned artwork.

Canberra Liberal MP Steve Pratt, who has run a campaign against vandalism, spent four hours cleaning graffiti from a concrete bridge in Woden on Saturday, calling the artwork an "obnoxious piece of vivid graffiti vandalism".

However, it emerged late yesterday that Mr Pratt's efforts had destroyed a mural artwork commissioned by a local sporting club.

..."Legal mural sites ... help reduce anti-social activity and create opportunities for graffiti artists to display their skill legally and constructively," Mr Stanhope said.

"Whether or not a particular piece of art is attractive or engaging will always be a matter for individual taste.

"In his eagerness to thump the law-and-order tub, it seems that Mr Pratt may have joined the ranks of those he so consistently reviles - the vandals of our community."

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