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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bigger Deal Than I Thought

Regarding Kylie Minogue, from Andrea St. Clair:
Hi Marc!

I saw this article and thought you might enjoy this. H&M is a huge retailer, with the closest to us in Concord and San Francisco. Popular among the hipster set. But it looks like Kylie is going to model for them!

Hope you are well!!
I responded:
Thank you, Andrea:

I had seen a similar announcement in the Australian press, but since I know little about hipster fashion, I had no idea how much weight to give it. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Presumably a good thing, but how good? Real good? Real, real good? No idea! I do know I like the pictures..... Since you are closer to hipster fashion, I will take your word that it is a big, weighty thing.

Andrea replied:
I'll put it this way: I wish Sac had an H&M. There literally is an H&M in pretty much every neighborhood of New York City.

Remember the fiasco regarding Kate Moss and the picture of her doing cocaine and how it landed on the front page of every tabloid? Well, that incident led to a dismissal of one of her largest contracts: modeling for H&M.

When the store in SF opened about a year ago, lines went around the block to gain entrance into the store. (And mind you, each store averages 2-3 stories.)

Check out www.hm.com for info.

It's an AWESOME thing for Kylie!!!


I like the pictures, but I'm intimidated by the copyright restrictions. Sigh.... I'll have to check out H&M when I get a chance. Maybe even buy something. Probably not a 'cossie', but maybe something - I don't know - appropriate. Maybe even stylish....

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