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Monday, February 12, 2007

Scared Sober

The Land Of Enchantment, my fair home state, has decided to freak guys out in its never-ending guerrilla war (the last state in the Union to get rid of drive-up liquor windows!) against what the Aussies call 'drink-driving':
New Mexico has taken its fight against drunken driving to men's restrooms around the state.

The state has ordered 500 talking urinal cakes that will deliver a recorded anti-DWI message to bar and restaurant patrons who make one last pit stop before getting behind the wheel.

The top of the devices feature the state DWI slogan -- "You drink, you drive, you lose."

... The cakes have enough battery power to last about three months.
Over at the Daily Rotten, one commenter notes:
Honestly, I think that sanctimonious little messages will just annoy the drunks. I think the urinal cakes should say, in a chipper, friendly Australian accent reminiscent of the late Steve Irwin, "You're blasted, mate, 'ow 'bout callin' a cab?"

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