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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Amanda Marcotte Resigns...

...From the Edwards campaign.

Probably not the best of fits. If you start working on behalf of a campaign, thenceforth, even on your own personal blog, your words are no longer strictly your own, but represent the candidate's words as well. Discipline is required.

That's one reason I rarely blog about the workplace: the material at work is sometimes confidential and therefore incendiary for the purposes of blogging. Some things are fair game, like whatever I learn about California air quality while at work, since all that information is clearly in the public domain. But anything that might be attributed, even by accident, to the company's opinion about any subject, or about a client's plans - forget it!

Nevertheless, bloggers can provide helpful assistance to candidates and would make useful campaign adjuncts, provided the bloggers can be made to toe the line.

In this case, apparently not.....

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