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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tropical Storm Chris

So far, for impacts on Tampa, FL, Tropical Storm Chris doesn't look like much. The tropical easterlies are not allowing storms to curve north, so in a few days, Chris should blow through the strait between Florida and Cuba and westward across the Gulf of Mexico, and shouldn't strengthen much at all.

There may be another Gulf of Mexico tropical storm leading the westward advance in front of Chris, but that storm also won't affect Tampa.

In a few days, the forecasts show a hurricane generating just off the West African coast, near Gambia and Senegal. That storm would have to travel thousands of miles to reach the U.S., and much could happen to it in the meantime. It's at least two weeks out....

So, the Atlantic is beginning to wake up for the summer hurricane season, but it's a lazy start...

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