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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Carry A Big Stick

Steve Gilliard ponders the virtues of attacking, without mercy, The New Republic (TNR), Joe Lieberman, and other traitorous targets:
Well, when it comes to TNR, we don't have any choice. Until they're totally discredited, a complete joke, we have to whomp their asses. Just go after them every chance we get. They have to be gasping for air when we finished.

Why? Because they are no longer bound by the truth. They will make shit up and used stolen e-mail to make their point, and lecture you on how right they are.

And the same has to do with Joe Lieberman.

The first battle any resistance has is not with the occupiers, but with their collaborators. TNR is dangerous because they claim to be liberals. For the Democratic Party to be reborn, collaborators like Lieberman have to suffer at the polls.

Vichy France was created to save France, to moderate the Nazis. It didn't work.

Which is why we call the DLC set Vichy Democrats. They are so afraid of Democratic virtues that they ran from them. They wanted to save the party, but they destroyed it. We lost control of the House and Senate for a decade because they wanted to compromise their way to power.

Just because Lieberman looks defeated doesn't mean you quit. You work harder to make sure he loses. You don't sit back and wait for the defeat. You get in his ass and don't quit until he's defeated. You ensure the defeat and then you watch the DLC crowd shit the bed, because they're next.

You don't quit when someone is down, you finish the fucking job.
My thoughts?:
WWRD? (What would Rush do?)

Well, let's see, if Hezbollah resolves as 'Hezbos', then TNR resolves as 'trannies' - transexuals. Seems about right: Republicans in Democratic clothing.

From Rocky Horror Picture Show:
Chorus: I'm just a sweet transvestite
From Transexual, Transylvania

So- come up to the lab
And see what's on the slab
I see you shiver with antici . . . pation

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