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Friday, June 02, 2006

Twilight of the Mammoths

Jerry writes:
Interesting new book: "Twilight of the Mammoths", by Paul Martin.

The most compelling argument for the "overkill" hypothesis is that megafauna like the mammoth seemed to have survived all of the deglaciations of the Pleistocene EXCEPT the last one, which just happens to be the only deglaciation in which homo sapiens existed. (The "Pleistocene Park" idea is really loony, however!)
For myself, I don't think "Pleistocene Park" is such a loony idea. Indeed, I remember that there are places in Texas, for example, where rhinoceroses are kept on big ranches, low-key, in order to provide protection against Asian horn hunters. And there are open spaces where it can be done!

Let's do it!

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