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Friday, June 02, 2006

Note From Juan Ramos

Information today from Juan:
They cancelled yesterday's surgery for today which involved skin grafts to his right lower leg and left lower arm. I don't know the time of today's scheduled surgery. John's mother Barbara and I took the night off to clean things up at home and get some much needed rest. Noemi Rios, the Stage Manager for "Take Me Out" did however visit John last night and called me at home afterward to inform me that she and had a conversation of sorts with John. She would ask him questions and would slowly shake his head to indicate yes or no. He even rolled his eyes when she asked him a question that involved a "duh" answer. So that was good to hear even though his medication for pain may not allow him to remember that encounter today. That being said, I would not encourage visitors today as he has some non-surgical procedures scheduled for today before his surgery and will be having a pretty busy day according to his nurses.

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