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Friday, August 05, 2005

TNR Embarrassment

Kevin Drum is just way too polite:
I don't get it. The numbers don't seem to add up, the sales tax idea is unworkable, there's no indication of how any of this reins in spending, and it doesn't seem to solve any problems that our current system couldn't solve. I'm all for universal healthcare, but I hardly see why we need this squirrelly plan in order to get it. What's dorm room bull session stuff like this doing on the cover of the New Republic?
Just so sad - more evidence of advanced decay. Peretz has decided to make his peace with the Bush Administration, and the hell with the rest of us.

It broke my heart to cancel my TNR subscription, but what can one do? These guys have joined the Dark Side, body and soul. First, we must abandon them, and second, condemn them as liberal traitors. Hound them. Destroy the brand.

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