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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Pig Fat

Things were pleasant Friday night at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 4647 in North Highlands (the largest VFW post in California and the sixth largest in the country, according to Vice-Commander Joe!). Where else can you find lovingly-detailed maps about 'Operation Just Cause' (December 20, 1989 - January 31, 1990: the U.S. effort to overthrow Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega), posted on the plaque-and-picture-covered walls?

Nevertheless, there was something ever, ever so subtly different. Where was that inflammatory and provocative tale about General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, who had commanded troops in Moros province during the Philippines Insurrection, around 1910? About how the best way to deal with Muslim terrorists was to execute a few with bullets greased in pig fat?

The framed but yellowing passage had vanished from its accustomed place on the wall. Was it removed because it was yellowing? Or was it removed because its bellicosity no longer served the times? Or was there another reason? I pointed out the absence of the passage to Vice-Commander Joe, and he said someone else had noticed the passage's absence too and had asked the same question: he'd look into it.

According to Snopes.com, General Pershing apparently never did the things attributed to him: another Colonel named Alexander Rodgers instead may have done the deed. Perhaps someone had finally checked the inflammatory tale and removed it from the wall because it was false. Makes you wonder why it took so long, since General Pershing is the leading inspiration of VFW Post 4647!

Or maybe it was something else - the passage of time since 9/11, the current stalemate in Iraq, the hard grind of the troops' service there, Bush's declining popularity, the cooling of passions. A comment on one of the liberal blogs three days ago suggested the zeitgeist in America was changing again, but somehow I doubted that could be the case. Nevertheless, the commenter may be right: maybe the zeitgeist in America IS changing again, in a more-sober, less-simplistic, more-peaceable direction. One can hope! It would certainly be appropriate if war veterans led the way!

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