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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Waiting for News

Even though my airline tickets for next month's trip to Brisbane, Queensland are clearly labelled 'nonrefundable, nonexchangeable,' the touring company I used to secure them (Travel.com) appears to be making something of an exception (probably because I haven't demanded a refund, just a change to dates yet unknown, and because it became clear that Quantas Airlines themselves had no problem with a date change.) This is good, because I paid US$ 1325.00 for them, which is a cheap rate for some, but expensive enough for me!

Fortunately, I had not secured lodging or a car rental yet!

What I will do now is wait, and hope Kylie's concerts are rescheduled soon. If the concerts are:

  • rescheduled, I will use the concert tickets I now have, as planned; or if,
  • cancelled, I will, upon travelling to Brisbane anyway for vacation, attempt to get a refund in person.

I suppose I could cancel the Brisbane trip entirely, but then the touring company would revel in their windfall of nonrefundable US$ 1325.00. I would go to great lengths, even travelling halfway across the world, to deprive them of that pleasure!

What I want from the touring company is some say regarding when I travel to Australia. I'd hate to be forced to travel there in early June, if Kylie were to reschedule her concerts for two weeks after I'd leave, and there'd be nothing I could do except to pay for another quick trip to Australia, for another US$ 1325.00!

Many prayers for good news and a speedy recovery! Meanwhile, I must content myself with this:

Minogue is insistent that her tour is only postponed, not cancelled. Her tour's promoter, Michael Gudinski, who has been Minogue's friend for 20 years and one of the first outside her family to learn of her condition, said: "All the equipment will be staying in Australia and hopefully we'll be able to reschedule the dates pretty soon. But there's no pressure. We can't hypothesise but we'll see in a couple of weeks."

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