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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Instant Summer: The Weather Gods Throw the Big Toggle Switch

The FNMOC weather forecasts over the next week show a rapid warm-up in the West and Southwest, complete with monsoon-like summer afternoon thunderstorms in the mountains of AZ by next Tuesday! Really remarkable: the Weather Gods seem to be throwing a big toggle switch, from Winter to Summer. It's strange to catapult straight from winter storms to the summer monsoon season, without the usual dry spring in-between, but the Gods seem to have other ideas. Maybe it won't quite take: it's still a bit early!

Plus, there's that strange tropical storm hitting Central America (El Salvador) right now, the first eastern Pacific tropical storm in May since 1966. Over the next week, it's going to cross Central America, the Caribbean, afflict central Cuba, and head NE across the Bahamas and the Atlantic. The Weather Gods seem to be saying: Let the tropical storm season begin!

All right, all right, Your Highnesses! Slow down, you don't have to push quite so hard!

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