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Tuesday, February 04, 2025


A darkly-amusing article about how incapable our Democratic Senators are in meeting the challenge of the moment:
How did it come to this? Democrats have built their entire party structure on polite deference, seniority, and chasing bipartisanship as an outcome, as opposed to elevating the most talented and passionate politicians into roles in which they can make impact or articulating, defending, and expanding the role of what government can do to improve the lives of others. 
We’ve seen the most dramatic, damaging outgrowths of this approach to Washington politics, in the form of the protracted propping up of the late Dianne Feinstein as senator and Joe Biden as president, not to mention Democratic-appointed Supreme Court justices preferring to die or risk death to being replaced by a Democratic president. But this deference also has poisoned our politics in corrosive ways, with institutional seniority locking in apathy and entitlement among Democratic leaders. The party’s unwillingness to separate themselves from age-old, meaningless decorum that rewards length of tenure as opposed to strength of conviction in its elected officials has meant that the people in charge of Congress’s most important panels are often the oldest, and most out of touch.

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