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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

First Protest

I went down to the first of what I have no doubt will be many protests in front of the California State Capitol in the coming years regarding the vile Trump Administration. I thought the demonstration was going to be on the photogenic West Steps, but instead it was just off the sidewalk on 10th Street, and at first there were only ten people in attendance. Later, the group grew to about 40 or 50. The reason the West Steps weren’t used is because it takes time to get a permit, and a week since the Trump Administration started isn’t sufficient time. 

I’m not entirely sure who organized the event. I saw the protest announcement on Reddit. The Sons of Liberty, a kind of liberal prepper group organized on Discord, had at least one person there. 

This protest was not like the big marches eight years ago. The protest was a kind of awkward initiation ceremony for a new generation of protesters. Anyone who wanted to say something could say something, and they did. People stuttered and stumbled, sometimes speaking from the heart and sometimes from half scribbled notes. Natural leaders began to emerge. It was charming and earnest and heartfelt. I loved it all and I’m very encouraged. 

Police on foot and mounted on horseback circled the group from a distance on all sides, and posed for photos of their own. 

Next meeting, February 5th.

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