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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Our Orwellian Times, Particularly on Abortion!

“Leave it to the states” (Trump’s latest mantra) actually means zombie laws banning abortion return at full strength, with no exceptions, no matter public opinion. (Remember, as Texas demonstrates every day, exceptions for the health of the mother are unenforceable.) 

The only way to have a chance to stop this madness is by asphyxiating the Republican Party, by voting Democratic for every single office, until that distant day that Republicans decide to become a pro-choice party. Meanwhile, Kari Lake is twisting in the wind…
So let’s review. Lake opposes the law she had consistently said she supported. She denounces the court decision which ruled that the old law is in effect. She thinks the decision should be left to the states. She also opposes abortion. Also, Arizona is a state.
She also wants Governor Hobbs to solve the situation. Which would presumably mean making abortion legal. Even though Lake opposes abortion. 
She then comes very close to saying that abortion is a very personal issue that should be left to a state and her doctor. No really. I’m not kidding. Here’s the exact quote: “This is a very personal issue that should be determined by each individual state and her people.”

Meanwhile, the Republicans in the Arizona state legislature are too busy to fix anything:
@ynotcani The day after MAGA controlled Arizona Republicans blocked democrat efforts to repeal the worst abortion ban in America, they are out of state taking minimum of $10,000 donations in exchange for fast time with lobbyists. They said they adjoruned to meet constituents. Nope. They wanted to drink with lobbyists. #voteblue #greenscreen #politics ♬ original sound - Tony Cani

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