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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Hopi Wedding

I've been reading up a lot on Hopi religious rituals. I like this 2019 article on a traditional Hopi wedding:
"It's something that you should be proud of for the rest of your life," says Sarah Honanie, mother of the bride. "This is a real true Hopi way of life, this marriage. Nowadays there is not a lot of this. I know 10 years from now it'll be different."
The wedding date is picked by the bride's family. It took the Honanie family two years to plan because they need to give themselves enough time to prepare all the corn, gifts and food needed for the wedding.
Preparation started when the Honanie family planted blue, white and sweet corn in their fields. They then harvested hundreds of corn leaves, corn husks and ears of corn to be stored away for the wedding. 
"You have to have corn to get married in Hopi," Sarah says. "If you don't have corn, I don't know how you'll do it."

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