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Saturday, August 12, 2023

I Can Fix That!

My yellow car has some dings on the side, and the previous owner playfully placed some appliqués that look like crossed bandages over them. I was driving the car in the supermarket parking lot when the driver of another car gestured for me to roll down my window. Pointing at the dings he said, “I can fix that! I can fix it this afternoon.” I replied, “Oh, it’s okay,” as I tried to read the tattoo on his sunburnt arm. He continued, “I used to work in a body shop. I’ll fix it for $100. I have a garage. We can do it now!” He gave me his phone number, which I failed to memorize, and I slowly drove away. 

Is it a scam? I dunno. 

When I’m walking Jasper, I sometimes get approached in what seems like a scam. A passing big car will stop. The driver says he needs gas and asks if I’ll buy a ring - usually the most godawful gaudy ring you ever saw. The people in the car are always Arab. I say no, and they drive off. 

I don’t know how the scam works, because even the worst ring must have some value. I asked the Ladies of Jamaican Dancehall if this ever happened to them while walking down the sidewalk, and their response was, “what’s this about walking alone?”

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