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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Not Cold At All!

I was feeling a bit miserable here in Sacramento, shivering through summer solstice in what seems like the coldest year since 2011, or maybe ever, so I started looking at climate statistics to see whether or not we were reaching an all-time minimum temperature, or not. 

Turns out, temperatures in the first half of 2023 have been about AVERAGE since records have been kept (since 1877) - not really notable at all! Global warming in recent decades has affected our perception in California of what normal feels like (ten of the Top-20 warmest years Sacramento has ever experienced have been this century), so now a normal temperature just feels cold. 

So far, 2023 is the coldest year since 2011 (such a chill August that year!), and 1999 before that, but otherwise not remarkable at all. 

I'd better dig out my knit cap.

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