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Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Shasta County Sails Off The Sanity Bridge

So, it looks like Shasta County is going full denialist, and kicking out Dominion. The CA Secretary of State is warning that election laws must be followed. Lots of luck making that happen! Let's see if the fascists can run much more than a Dairy Queen.
The county has been in near political chaos for more than a year after far-right activists, including members of a local militia, led a successful recall of a Republican supervisor and former police chief, in part because he enforced state-mandated coronavirus restrictions. 
In June, two members of the Board of Supervisors voted not to accept Shasta’s results in the primary election, questioning the validity of Dominion voting machines and proposing a forensic audit of the elections process. 
Their efforts were defeated at the time. But in November, two more candidates backed by hard-right groups were elected to the board, setting the stage for Tuesday’s outcome. 
Even in a county accustomed to public meetings rife with rancor and personal attacks, Tuesday’s session was notable. The meeting stretched 13 hours and featured passionate comment from residents on both sides of the issue, as well as some bitter exchanges.

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